

1) 首次在线申请查理·洛克菲德学院,请直接在表单中填写正确的身份证号码、姓名一起其他必填内容

       For the first time to fill in Vindu Charlie Lakefield College, please fill in your accurate ID number 、name and required fields .


2) 除特别注明外,本入学申请表可使用中、英任意语言填写,语言的选择不影响录取结果;

      The application could be filled in Chinese or English if there is no special request. The language will not impact the admission result;


3) 在填写过程中,如遇到任何问题,请联系 0516-85829359 (工作日9:00-17:00)。

      If you have any question in filling up the online application, please contact 0516-85829359(9am to 5pm on working days).
